Monday, October 18, 2010

8 months!

i can not believe greta is eight months old today...
it breaks my heart that she is getting so old!
but this is such a fun age so i guess its ok.

what grets is doing at 8 months:
♥ so close to crawling but still getting around really fast with the army crawl
♥ clapping her hands together
♥ will occasionaly manage a wave
♥ says da da
♥ loves to play with any sort of tag
♥ likes to play with her carseat
♥ starting to pull herself up
♥ always wants to play with any sort of electronic

we recently got some family pics taken,
here are a few of grets.
i will put more up later on of everyone
when i get them all back.
thanks tiff for the cute pictures!

( ps - remember to vote here! )


Robyn said...

Um!! I love her little bows? Where did you get them?

Carole Ann & Jon said...

Hey, Greta is ADORABLE! OH MY, I can't get over it! Her clothes are SOOO cute. I must know where you shop!