Saturday, October 22, 2011

life according to iphone photos

grets enjoying the nice weather outside.
 i needed to break up her elmo watching!
is it a problem that the second we get home she runs
to the couch, hands me the remote and asks for elmo?

modeling her new outfit.
she gets a new outfit about once a week
thanks to my shopping problem.

grets continutes to amaze us with her coordination!
if you don't believe me look here

i love this picture!
we were watching the cousins and i found kurt
holding mags and she fell asleep.
kurt looks like he wants to fall asleep too!

i decided to straighten grets hair a few days ago
and she has long hair!
she just does not look the same with it straight though!


Robyn said...

Is that the first or second time you straightened her hair?? :) she is just plain prec! And Kurt does look tired, maybe you should just have another baby so he can get use to it!

Becky E said...

I love the pony tail! It makes her look so BIG!