Saturday, October 9, 2010

read these books

 i know pretty much EVERYONE has read these books

so i caved and read them too..
loved all three!
i read them all in about a week
and was so sad when i finished.
the first book was definitely my fave,
and i know a lot of people didn't like
mockingjay but i thought it was a good ending
considering everything that happened.
these books are so much better than twilight!
WAY better writing and more suspense.
now what should i read?

1 comment:

Skye said...

Brooke!!! welcome to the bloggin world, i have to admit that i check robyns blog everyonce in awhile to see if you have caved and started a blog! today was my lucky day! Greta is such a cutie and you and kurt are lookin good as always!