why does summer go by so fast?
i can't believe it is the end of july already.
here are a few pictures of our latest happenings..
nothing too exciting!
i need to do a real update with my pictures from my camera
instead of these crappy pictures from my phone.
but unitl then, this will do!
grets and hadlee hanging out
grets and berk at riverwoods,
we went for the taste of the valley.
it was fun but sooo hot!
grets looks like a hoarder with all her water bottles.
fireworks on the 24th
not to be a debbie downer but i am relieved
we are done with fireworks for awhile...
grets acts like a crazy person around them!
she loves climbing on kurt's back and riding around!
she might have a small obsession with it,
remember this picture?
last but not least...
grets is enjoying a lazy afternoon
reading her favorite elmo book
while lounging on the hammock.
she has the life!