Saturday, July 30, 2011

{ J U L Y }

why does summer go by so fast?
i can't believe it is the end of july already.
here are a few pictures of our latest happenings..
nothing too exciting!
i need to do a real update with my pictures from my camera
instead of these crappy pictures from my phone.
but unitl then, this will do!

grets and hadlee hanging out

grets and berk at riverwoods,
we went for the taste of the valley.
it was fun but sooo hot!
grets looks like a hoarder with all her water bottles.

fireworks on the 24th
not to be a debbie downer but i am relieved
we are done with fireworks for awhile...
grets acts like a crazy person around them!

she loves climbing on kurt's back and riding around!
she might have a small obsession with it,
remember this picture?

last but not least...
grets is enjoying a lazy afternoon
reading her favorite elmo book
while lounging on the hammock.
she has the life!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

swim time!

a couple days ago we took this little
monkey swimming.
she was having the time of her life
playing in the water,
watching the other kids,
(she loves to stare at other people, it is one of her favorite pastimes)
walking around.
she did have a little accident
when she slipped straight back
and hit her head,
but she is good!

i am in love with her little mermaid swimsuit too.
grets has no idea who she is,
but i had to buy it for her
because i was obsessed with ariel
when i was little and i had a
little mermaid swimsuit
that i LOVED.
i remember begging my mom to buy
it for me at the disney store
and i wore it all summer
until it tore at stupid raging waters!
so when i saw this one for $10 i could not pass it up.

and of course this hottie was there!

Friday, July 1, 2011

maggie moo

cole and heather had their
cute baby maggie
on tuesday

she is a cutie!

grets insisted on getting in the bed with heather

she is not the baby anymore!

congrats cole, heather, hadlee and bo!

parade and carnie

does anyone even care about
strawberry days anymore?
old news!
oh well, here are a few
pictures from the parade and carnie

grets and berk acutally sitting for once!

hold and adds

notice how grets is squirming in both these pictures,
that girl will not hold still!

grets and grandma at the classy carnie

hadlee and grets enjoying a leisurely train ride

chloe doing her signature thumbs up pose! i must be getting old, this ride made me so sick!

and that was the end of our strawberry days,
until next year of course!