Monday, January 31, 2011

happy birthday chloe!

i can not believe this girl is 14!

it does not seem like that long ago that she was born..
i still remember the day perfectly!
even though i was devastated she did not have red hair like me
i was so happy to have a sister.

now life is repeating itself..
she is taking care of my babe like i took care of her,
and grets loves her aunt chloe!

happy birthday chlo, we love ya!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

if only i were rich...

lately i have this weird obsession with owls..
(wait until you see greta's birthday invitation)
they are really trendy right now, but do i care?
they are cute!
i even went so far to buy this shirt for greta in two different sizes because i love it so much

and now i find this

and this

and i wish i was rich so i could buy them both!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

ladies who lunch

on saturday i had the pleasure of going to lunch with these lovely ladies
(aka my cousins)

{ top row: liza, chloe, grandma, sarah, gretchen
bottom row: me, baby greta, annie, kesha, abby }

it was so fun to see everyone!
we are all so busy with either
it makes it hard to get together.
 but we enjoyed each others company,
and i can't wait to do it again!
love you girls

and just for fun the other two pictures we took:


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


this little lady is eleven months old today!

i can't believe in one month we will be celebrating her first birthday!
she is definitely getting a little personality (aka attitude)
she loves to scream to get attention
she has completely abandoned her binki
she is now on another hunger strike and will only drink formula
she has one front tooth with the other one coming in
she loves to walk with her walker
she is a crawling machine and will climb up stairs
she quite enjoys the price is right and sesame street
she will occasionaly say mama but is sticking to dada
she still loves her books and really loves to eat the paper
and in our opinion
she is the cutest baby ever!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

the bach

please tell me you are watching this show:

it is the best!
and by "best" i mean,
cheesy, fake, hard to watch, overly dramatic, etc.
i love it!
and the local girl is making it even better..
i know, i didn't think it was possible!
hate to say it, but she is definitely the villain / bad girl this season.


don't judge - i love trash tv!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


i know everyone and their blog
has done some sort of
"2010 / reflection / year in review"
though it is a bit boring,
i also have to document this year.
the ups
(beautiful baby.great fun)
and the downs
(labor.weight gain.sleepless nights)


baby showers. bed rest. waiting for baby.


she finally came!

newborn pictures


just lovin life

first trip to disneyland . first time on a plane

blessing . strawberry days

the 4th . canyon with the fam

first swim . trip to zions

still lovin life

first halloween

3 year anniversary . first thanksgiving

chrismas joy . mission call . end of another year

obviously 2010 was the year of greta!

Monday, January 3, 2011

nerd alert

miss grets loves her dad..
like really really loves him.
there were a few days last week where she
only wanted him - she preferred him to me!
it was sad.

she looks like him,
she acts like him.
so i have been wondering...
will she ever look / act like me?!
low and behold,
a miracle happened...

just like her mama,
she loves to read!

she is obsessed with books right now!
of course she likes to chew on them,
but she really and truly loves
to look at and turn each page.
i am so proud!